What is the fund?

The sustainable projects fund aims to advance sustainability at the LSE and increase the engagement of LSE students and staff in making the campus more sustainable. Any project broadly defined as achieving these goals is eligible for funding.

The Sustainable Projects Fund place emphasis on projects that tackle some of the following issues:

  • Carbon management
  • Biodiversity
  • Waste reduction
  • Sustainable
  • Water/Energy use
  • Education and awareness
  • Wellbeing

For example, the fund has played an integral role in the introduction of Smart Mugs on campus, the Plaza Cafe Green Roof, the creation of beekeeping society and the beehives LSE maintains, ensuring all printers are set to print double-sided sheets by default, collaborating with a private enterprise to monitor pollution levels on the construction site for the Marshall building, funding the ongoing awareness campaign ‘LS-Sea’, and retrofitting Passfield halls with sensor toilets to conserve water.

The fund and amounts you can apply for

The Sustainable Projects Fund is funded with revenue from the Water Bottle Tax. This tax was introduced on campus in 2008.

The Sustainable Projects Fund

There is no maximum limit to the amount of funding a project can receive. However, projects under £5,000 are most feasible.

There is flexibility in how projects can be funded. For example, to make the 2018/2019 multi-stakeholder pollution monitoring scheme feasible, funding has been in collaboration with the Estates Department and the construction company MACE. We recommend applicants reach out and speak to the Sustainable Futures Committee who work to ensure the projects have the best chance of succeeding.

Composition of the Funding Panel

Shortlisted projects will be presented by applicants to a panel in March 2020. The panel is comprised of:

  • Sustainable Futures executive committee
  • Head of Estates
  • Head of Facilities
  • Pro-Director of Education
  • Head of Sustainability
  • Sustainability Team
  • Representatives from the Sustainable Futures Society

The process

How to spend your project money

Once projects have been awarded you can immediately start to spend the funds you have been allocated. You can sepdn it in three ways. The process for each way is outlined below:

SFS Committee - Project Tracking & Approving

As the SFS committee, you will first need to approve project spends before the Union actions the payment. Please see in the information below on how to approve the spends for them to get paid and information on the project tracker which we will need to provide for LSE at the end of the finacial year to keep getting the grant money for students.

Site design by Elliot Parker.