Join us to campaign, fundraise and volunteer with Oxfam at LSE!


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This society is currently dormant. If you would like to restart the society, please see the process on this page. 



The LSESU Oxfam Society is a fast-growing student charity group at LSE. We believe that social change starts from us as individuals and collectively we can solve the world’s biggest issues. With this mindset, we are devoted to raise awareness, campaign and discuss issues around climate change, human rights, gender, religious & ethnic discrimination, poverty and much more. Our goal is to make the world a kinder and safer place.


Our Core committee consists of the President, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President of Speakers, Vice President of Campaigning, Head of Outreach and Head of Marketing. We have four subcommittees under Speaking events, Campaigning, Outreach and Marketing.


We aim to collaborate with other Oxfam chapters around the United Kingdom as well other student charity groups at LSE and other universities - there is strength and power in numbers and we want to fully harness that. We also plan to do online activism and work with the LSE Volunteering Centre to raise awareness about the most pressing issues globally from gender-based violence to public health. Last but not the least, we wish to bring the most renowned professionals and academics devoted to finding answers and driving change for social good.


Join us to be a part of a bigger movement. Join us to make our lives better. Join us because we believe in the power of your voice, our voice. 




Site design by Elliot Parker.