The Business Ideas for Generational Change Society hopes to highlight the next generation of academic innovations.


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Most businesses anticipate the first bounce of innovation, including climate technologies, artificial intelligence, or the platform economy. However, the second bounce of innovation is most challenging but rewarding to predict. The Business Ideas for Generational Change Society hopes to highlight the most cutting-edge academic breakthroughs that will fundamentally change our society and the way we live our daily lives. From the impact economy to using seawater as the next generation of fuels, we believe that the next generation of ideas has already been developed in research laboratories and academic papers waiting to be exploited. Through our speaker series, we hope to bring the next promising ideas to a greater audience and scrutinise them through an academic lens to distil the most important philosophies that will change our way of thinking. Did we not mention our acronym is BIGCS? Go big or go home is our philosophy.



Site design by Elliot Parker.