Welcome to the Catholic Society!
Our Society is dedicated to creating a friendly environment for LSE students and staff to live and share their faith at university. We are a welcoming community and a great place to meet new people from around the world. We organise mass, lunch, volunteering, talks and faith-formation online and in-person. Fr Philip Miller is our Catholic chaplain at LSE. He is available for Confessions or conversation on Wednesdays of term from 11am to 12pm in the Faith Centre. There is Catholic Mass on Wednesdays at 12.15pm in the Faith Centre. This is not a CathSoc event, all students and staff are welcome. The CathSoc is an open environment to discuss faith and all topics related or unrelated to it. Uni years are often a time of struggle and doubt, and coming to Wednesday's lunch (which always takes place in the Faith centre after the 12:15 mass) is a good way to set apart some time to speak about it and hear about other people's relationship with faith.
Keep track of LSE CathSoc activities by following us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/lsecatholicsociety/ or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/LseCathsoc/.
We are open to anyone, not only to practising Catholics, but also those who might be a little further away from the Church, or people who are simply curious and want to discover more about the Catholic faith. We will be more than happy to chat with you and have you join our activities! We look forward to this coming year at LSE, and we would be happy to have you join us!
Who is going to lead your Students' Union next year? Thousands of LSE students will be casting their ballot for who will represent the voice of LSE students in 2025.
13 posts are up for election.
Nominations open at 09:00 on Friday 7 February 2025 (in 19 days)
The polls open at 09:00 on Monday 17 March 2025 (in 8 weeks and 1 days)