The LSESU War Studies Society is a first-of-its-kind society that is aimed at uniting students passionate about intelligence, warfare, and security. Join us!


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The LSESU War Studies Society is the first society at LSE exclusively focused on Security Studies (SS) as a critical subfield of International Relations (IR). Our society seeks to delve - from a practical and vocational point of view - into the intricate and multifaceted dimensions of war, including exploring its diverse root causes, its actors and factors, borders, religious beliefs, ideologies, and power strategies at local, regional, and international levels. This initiative’s restrictive scope on conflict, geopolitics, and intelligence calls to all individuals keen to further their personal skills and research interests in these areas and pursue careers in either the private or public sectors. It could offer valuable contact opportunities for those aiming to work with global risk consultancy firms, non-governmental organizations, regional organizations such as the EU, national defense agencies, or the UN. The LSESU WSS hopes to offer a platform for students to engage with experts in the field, complementing their academic curriculums and providing them with greater insights into the real-world application of their studies.


Our membership costs £2.50 and gives you access to all of our events throughout the academic year. The fee is aimed at supporting the society and the overall quality of the events.



Our events include:
- High-profile panel discussions and speaker events
- Workshops with experts and practitioners
- Socials!
- Local field trips to various institutions
- You can also join our team working on the LSE War Studies Blog



Do not hesitate to reach out to us! We are always excited to welcome new members to our community.

Check out our Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn pages for more information:

Join our Whatsapp group!



Site design by Elliot Parker.