A message from your Sabbatical Officers about the format of assessments

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As your LSESU Sabbatical officers, we have been lobbying LSE regarding the format of upcoming  assessments. We wanted to give you an update on where we are at. Yesterday, we met with the Senior Management Committee (key decision makers, including the Directorate) and explained the views of students.

Based on the survey feedback of nearly 700 students we made the following demands:

  • Academic departments should be encouraged to provide online assessments, and supported by LSE’s central systems (such as timetabling) to do so.
  • Deferred examinations taking place this year should be in an online format, to avoid inequities across different assessment periods.
  • If students are taking in-person examinations in January they must have the opportunity to sit a mock exam and receive feedback before the end of Michaelmas term.

We also raised the following issues with in-person examinations:

  • 94% of students surveyed prefer online assessments mainly because it allows them to produce better quality work.
  • Some departments, especially qualitative departments, have expressed that they would like to provide online assessments, praising the work that students have produced, but may need the support of central systems in the school.
  • The rising cases of COVID-19 questions how responsible it is for LSE to host in person examinations.
  • In person examinations put students that have to isolate or are unwell at the time of assessment in a precarious situation. 
  • Moving to in-person exams has a disproportionate impact on certain groups, including those with disabilities, caring responsibilities and those more vulnerable to COVID-19.

What next?

It is expected that you will hear from LSE shortly outlining more details on assessments. We understand that this is an extremely anxious time for you and share your frustrations. Please reach out to us if you need support or if you would like to share your views - you can do this by emailing su.generalsecretary@lse.ac.uk or su.education@lse.ac.uk. We are doing everything we can to get clarity on your assessment and will continue to push our demands.

Take care,

Josie Stephens (General Secretary), Robyn McAlpine (Education Officer), Faiso Kadiye (Community and Welfare Officer) and Ed Hall (Activities and Development Officer)



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