Student life can be tough on your bank balance, especially if you are also supporting a child. If you are struggling with these costs, we have a few suggestions for you.
The LSE Nursery provides childcare at a reduced rate so this is something worth looking into if it reduces your costs.
LSE Nursery Partnerships(Opens in a new tab)
You may be eligible for a Childcare Grant from the government if you are entitled to UK benefits – this is generally for Home students only and gets added to your other student finance. For more information, see here.
Government Childcare Grant(Opens in a new tab)
At the LSESU, we administer a means-tested fund which is designed to support students who are unable to afford basic childcare expenses, including the Right to Choose. Our funding is limited and we can only provide financial support on a short term basis. If you feel as though this applies to your situation, please do get in touch and we can discuss an application. For the full guidance and application forms, please check out our Childcare Fund.
Childcare Fund
Saw Swee Hock Student Centre
020 7955 7158
You can book an appointment via email
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