
Research from NUS found that 1 in 3 students are living on just £50 or less a month after paying rent and bills, with various fellow SUs reporting a high increase in students using food banks. While under a lot of stress with studies, students have reached breaking point and need extra support through the crisis.

what we are working towards

Our sabbatical officers have contacted Local MP's Nickie Aiken and Keir Starmer with this letter in time for the upcoming budget reveal. You can use our template here to do the same.


We think that students deserve subsidised travel during this time and we are working with other unions to lobby Transport for London.

Food on campus

Inflation has driven the cost of food up significantly and as a result we are lobbying The School to get cheap and healthy options for students while they are on campus.

GuArantor Scheme

We have reveiwed LSE's current scheme and found that they have only given one award since 2019. The scheme is insufficient and inadequate and impossible to access, given the current cost of rent in London and we are lobbying The School to get this rectified.


help and support from LSESU

Hardship Funding 

Any LSE student can apply for hardship funding. Applications take around one to two weeks to process.

Participation Fund

We believe that all LSE students should have access to extra-curricular activities and money should NOT be a barrier. LSE students who can’t afford extra-curricular activities should apply to the Participation Fund.



Site design by Elliot Parker.