Nominees do not have to hit all the criteria. Try to use examples to describe how your nominee fits each criteria.

LSESU Award for Personal AND PROFESSIONAL Development

  • Helps you to utilise skills you learn in your degree to reach your full potential 

  • Adds value to your prospects by extending and developing your skill set 

  • Encourages you to excel professionally 

  • Shares networks and professional and academic opportunities with you where appropriate 

  • Recognises you as an individual and offers tailored support 

  • You may nominate your academic mentor, or any other member of staff in the School

LSESU Award for Welfare and Pastoral Support

  • Cares about your personal wellbeing and shows compassion 

  • Understands the pressures that LSE students face at University 

  • Is knowledgeable about the support services and welfare provisions that they can signpost you to 

  • Offers individualised and appropriate support 

  • Provides a consistent point of contact for you throughout your time at LSE 

  • You may nominate your academic mentor, or any other member of staff in the School

LSESU Award for Excellent Feedback and Communication

  • Provides constructive and relevant feedback in a timely manner 
  • Provides comments to help you build on previous success and to make future improvements 

  • Is approachable and responsive to students 

  • Uses innovative methods in communicating and delivering feedback 

  • Encourages your continuing academic development

LSESU Award for INCLUSIVE TEaching

  • Actively encourages contributions and genuine dialogue with all students on the course both inside and outside the classroom 

  • Recognises and welcomes the multiple identities of students and creates space in the curriculum for diverse voices 

  • Establishes a collaborative, supportive and inclusive learning community 

  • Creates a motivating, stimulating and principled environment for learning that involves all of their students 

  • Effectively implements MyAdjustments 

  • Ensures their lessons are accessible for everyone 

LSESU Award for Professional Services Staff

  • Is brilliantly organised, offers great administrative support, and communicates regularly and effectively

  • Continuously works to develop and enhance the student experience 

  • Thinks about building community within their department and provides social opportunities for students

  • Listens and acts upon student feedback, for example the feedback given by Academic Representatives at SSLC 

  • Engages with students to offer advice and support

LSESU Award for PhD Supervision

  • Considers you to be their intellectual equal 

  • Is personally invested in the success and outcomes of your research 

  • Acknowledges the value that you bring to the LSE academic community and integrates you in departmental and disciplinary communities

  • Equips you with the skills and knowledge you need to successfully carry out your research 

  • Provides regular, constructive and focused feedback enabling you to develop your PhD project 

  • Shares contacts, networks and academic opportunities with you where appropriate 

  • Encourages you to explore new and different ideas to their own


  • Regards you as an active, valued and equal member of the LSE community, in the classroom and beyond

  • Takes a collaborative approach to teaching or extra-curricular activities by asking about your experiences, learning from your insights, and making changes in response to your suggestions

  • Empowers and supports you to co-create new projects or positive changes in your course, department, university and communities

  • You may nominate academic staff or any other member of staff in the School

LSESU Award for outstanding Teaching

  • Provides exceptional teaching that is forward thinking and utilises engaging teaching methods

  • Transforms the ways students see their field of study, challenges existing theories, and offers exciting and new perspectives on the curriculum or subject 

  • Is willing to go beyond traditional methods of teaching delivery to ensure the subject matter is understood 

  • Integrates opportunities for students to engage with and/or carry out research as part of the curriculum 

  • Effectively incorporates technology and multimedia resources into their teaching practices 

  • Includes innovative assessment options in their course(s)

LSESU Award for Social Justice 

  • Engages actively in activities and initiatives to make a positive impact at LSE and beyond

  • Empowers students to reflect critically and encourages them to apply the principles of their subject area within the wider world 

  • Embeds social justice and sustainability in their curriculum and builds community engagement into their course

  • Encourages and facilitates student activity focussed around social justice and sustainability

  • You may nominate academic staff or any other member of staff in the School

LSESU Award for Departmental Excellence

  • Is brilliantly organised and has great administrative support 

  • Engages and interacts effectively, fostering a great departmental community 

  • Provides opportunities for students to network and socialise with others in the department outside of the classroom

  • Listens and acts upon student feedback, for example the feedback given by Academic Representatives at SSLC 

  • Has excellent welfare and pastoral support services 

  • Puts diversity and inclusion at the heart of everything they do

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