LSE is your community, so you're in the best place to notice the things that need to change. But you don't have to do it alone. This is your Union, and we will give you the support you need.

Want to make LSE life better for everyone?

LSESU is a campaigning organisation. This means that we’re here to empower students to run campaigns and lobby the School. We also run our own campaigns (led by Student Officers) and carry out policy work; all with the aim of improving your student experience.

Campaigning and influencing policy at LSESU is the way to make your voice heard on campus. Campaigners collaborate with the SU to change policy at LSE by building a movement that has democratic legitimacy.

The SU supports student campaigns by providing expert advice, resources, training, and access to funding. We’ve worked with thousands of students to take action on campus, and change student life for the better.

Ready to push for change?

If you don't have a concrete idea but rather just an inkling of something that needs changing, send us an email and we can walk through possible avenues of implementation.

If you already have a concrete idea of your campaign, have a read and work through the Campaigns Toolkit. Then, send us an email and we can arrange a time to chat through your plan.

Who knows, your idea could turn into a campus-wide campaign, or used to form Union policy on a certain topic.

Want to discuss further? Whatever your cause, get in touch by emailing us on

Download toolkit

Site design by Elliot Parker.