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  • There are doubts concerning if LSE is an anti racist institution

  •  LSE markets themselves as being extremely diverse and progressive using the ‘60%’ but is this the lived experience for some student groups?

  • LSE have not released their student population by ethnicity since 2019 

  •  LSE halls of residence inductions have no strong mention of racism

  • The disparity within BME groups is unknown to students  


  • LSE to publish statistics of students by ethnicity and to release old Data since 2019 ( This includes population and academic results ) 

  •  LSE to conduct a formal investigation into the black experience at LSE which will involve current students, alumni, and staff of all levels, which will be made public.

  • LSE to develop and carry out anti racism and discrimination workshops mandatory for both staff and students 

  •  LSE to recruit and develop specialised career support for students from disadvantaged / underrepresented backgrounds and work with ABC

  •  LSE to revisit its code of conduct and explicitly commit to having a zero tolerance for any form of racism and discrimination 


  • LSE negligence perpetuated a culture in which black students suffer in silence and are often met with apathy from peers. 

  • There is no catered support for black students from LSE. 

  •  We only have the ACS and now ABC in which some students like commuters may have a limited capability to participate. 




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Societies and Sports Clubs who support the changes we are trying to make at LSE, we would like to ask you to give your endorsement for our campaign. Find out more about what it means to endorse using the buttons below. The more support we have, the easier it is for us to make LSE a place truly led by students.

Endorse this campaign here.


Site design by Elliot Parker.