As Part-Time Study Officer, you'll make sure the experiences of part-time students are understood, accounted for, and supported by the Students' Union.

The Part-Time Study (PTS) Officer represents all part-time students at LSE.  The PTS Officer is a member of the Academic Sub-Committee (ASC) which aims to represent students based on their level of study, ensuring the expansive variety of student experiences are understood and acted upon. 

As a member of the ASC, the PTS Officer advises and feeds into the planning and policy-making of the Executive Committee, made up of the Sabbatical and Part-Time Officers. The Executive Committee is responsible for setting the political direction of the Union, guiding ongoing campaigns, and reporting on the work of the Union to the student body. The PTS Officer ensures that part-time student concerns and priorities are accounted for in this decision-making.

This role receives a £300 honorarium as thanks for their work representing student voices.

Key Responsibilities

  • Produce a termly report on the student experience of part-time students

    • Research for this report can be undertaken any way you see fit but could include meeting with relevant department reps, distributing surveys, analysing Student-Staff Liaison Committee meeting minutes etc.

  • Advise the Executive Committee on part-time student priorities via close communication with the Education Officer

  • Attend relevant Consultative Fora sessions

  • Meet with the other Officers within the Academic Sub-Committee and the Education Officer to discuss issues affecting students across the whole of LSE

This role must be held by a part-time student 

If you have any questions about this position, please get in touch at

Site design by Elliot Parker.