As Ethics and Sustainability Adviser, you would be responsible for working alongside the Union to develop policies relating to the environment and ethics.

The Ethics and Sustainability Advisor leads the frontier in making LSE an ethical and sustainable community. From advising the SU on environmental issues to investigating LSE's ethical and social credibility, there's lots to get stuck into!

The Ethics and Sustainability Adviser is a consultative position which provides advice and recommendations to the Executive Committee on matters relating to ethics and sustainability. The E&S Adviser receives an honorarium of £600 (plus expenses covered for costs incurred carrying out their role) in thanks for the brilliant work they undertake on behalf of students.

Each Ethics and Sustainability Adviser will bring their own influence to the position, but their work may involve:

  • Advising on how to make the campus a more environmentally friendly and ethical place

  • Proactively investigating methods of developing LSE and the SU in sustainable ways

  • Advocating for environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues at Executive Committee meetings and termly Town Halls

  • Working closely with LSESU staff to influence authentic change by working on campaigns related to environmental, social and governance matters

  • Leading on Green Week, collaborating with green groups across LSESU and LSE

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