What is a Student Panel?

A Student Panel is a group of 18-48 students, who are randomly selected to deliberate and make decisions on Policy Proposals.

Similar to a jury system, we use a sortition process to ensure the students selected reflect the LSE student body and bring in their own lived experience when setting Union-wide policy. For example, the number of postgraduate students sitting on the panel will be proportional to the number of postgraduate students in the wider student body.

The panel members will be presented with Policy Proposals put forward by their fellow students. The policy proposers, plus any student who wishes to oppose the proposal, will have the opportunity to present their case to the panel.

"Informed voices", including people with lived experience of any issue being discussed, will also be invited to present their perspective on the proposal.

Panellists will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss the proposal in depth together, before voting on whether they believe the proposal should pass. 

If you would like to attend the Student Panel to hear what Policy Proposals have been put forward and what the student panellists discuss, then you are more than welcome to.

The panel will be hosted in a hybrid format, so you can attend in person or online. However, Student Panel observers cannot input into the discussion or interact with the panellists in any way. 

How to take part in a Student Panel

Site design by Elliot Parker.