Get involved

Want to take action and support teaching staff in their strikes? Here are some actions you can get invoved in:

  • Social media bombing with @occupyLSE

  • Join Sit-Ins - Follow @occupyLSE for upcoming dates. A sit-in is any organised protest in which a group of people peacefully occupy and refuse to leave a premises. It is a great way to showcase your support for the strikes because it is a form of direct action and can influence real social change.

  • Sign this strike letter addressed to the LSE School Managment Committe that expresses your support for the strike action and voices that the University should meet staff demands and prevent disruption for students. Letters like this help them to understand that students are on the side of our staff in this dispute, and that we will not be pitted against them in order to undermine their fight for better pay, pensions and working conditions. 

  • Send this template letter to the LSE School Managment Committe that expresses your support for the strike action, demands that the University compentates students for missed classes and lectures and asks what actions the School is taking to fairly end negotiations and improve the teaching and learning conditions for both students and teachers. Letters like this force them to acknowledge that students are disproportionately affected by industrial action, missing out on essential teaching and learning opportunities. 

  • Join picket lines and bring a friend! Standing with staff who are on the picket line is a great way to demonstrate that students support the strike and not crossing the picket line is a powerful way to show your support for the strike. This means chatting to staff why they striking, not going to lectures, and seminars, or entering University buildings (except for Wellbeing or Health Centre appointments, or for prayer). SU buildings and businesses are still ok though! 

  • Join fee strike

    • Click here to find out about potential consequences of a fee strike and what it would mean for you and your studies. 

    • Look at our advice team’s guidance regarding fee compensation here

Site design by Elliot Parker.